01662 Meißen
Albrechtsburg zu Meißen (Castle Yard)
As early as 1925, music, drama and dance performances found an enthusiastic audience in the courtyard of the Albrechtsburg. On the occasion of their 100th anniversary, the City of Meißen presents the Burgfestspiele Meißen, continuing a wonderful tradition. High above the Elbe valley, the Albrechtsburg in Meißen was erected in 929 – first as a wooden, then as a stone castle. It is known as the »cradle of Saxony«, from where the house of Wettin ruled. In 1471, Arnold von Westfalen rebuilt the Albrechtsburg as Germany’s first palace.
Concerts01067 Dresden
The construction of Dresden’s oldest suburban church was initiated by Electress Anna in the 16th century. Since its inauguration the Annenkirche was constantly rebuilt and thus has a contradictory architectural charm. Originally constructed as a baroque church it was replaced by an art nouveau building in 1909 that has very good acoustics.
Concerts01067 Dresden
Brühlsche Terrasse / Schlossplatz
Der an das Residenzschloss angrenzende Schlossplatz in Dresden bildet als Gebäudeensemble eine der wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Altstadt. Von ihm aus geht es über eine eindrucksvolle Treppe zu der als »Balkon Europas« bezeichneten Brühlschen Terrasse. Diese verdankt ihren Namen Graf Heinrich von Brühl, der das Gelände einst vom Kurfürsten Friedrich August II., dem Sohn Augusts des Starken, geschenkt bekam.
Concerts01069 Dresden
Deutsches Hygiene-Museum
The monumental building in the style of Neue Sachlichkeit (»New Objectivity«) was erected by Wilhelm Kreis between 1928 and 1930 and is home of a museum, initiated in 1912 as »People’s Education Facility for Healthcare«, that today considers itself as »museum of humankind«. As part of the refurbishment that was finished in 2010 the great hall was completely redesigned and reconstructed.
Concerts09599 Freiberg
Dom St. Marien zu Freiberg
The St Mary’s Cathedral (Dom St. Marien) with its great art treasures is considered a landmark of the city of Freiberg and annually attracts many visitors from all over the world. Constructed as St Mary’s Church towards the end of the 12th century , it was named cathedral by Pope Sixtus IV. Between 1710 and 1714 Gottfried Silbermann constructed an organ with 44 stops. It was his first great organ in Germany and still is the biggest instrument he has built without any assistance.
Concerts01109 Dresden
Festspielhaus Hellerau
In 1911, the Festspielhaus Hellerau (Hellerau Festival Theatre) was built after a concept of the architect Heinrich Tessenow within the Gartenstadt Hellerau (Garden City) of Dresden. Its architectural clarity gave direction to the Bauhaus style. It was the Swiss music pedagogue Émile Jaques-Dalcroze who initiated the construction of the Festspielhaus and whose »Bildungsanstalt für Musik und Rhythmus« (School for Music and Rhythm) was located in this building. The Festspielhaus is considered a center for contemporary art, especially for dance and music, and therefore is a constant of Dresden's contemporary cultural scene.
Concerts01067 Dresden
The Frauenkirche is uniquely moving in its combination of space and sound and the spirit of reconciliation that resounds throughout the concerts. Destroyed in 1945, the church, reconstructed through monumental civic and international efforts, is a beacon of peace. Its impressive interior makes every concert an incomparable experience.
Concerts01067 Dresden
Frauenkirche (Lower Church)
The Frauenkirche is uniquely moving in its combination of space and sound and the spirit of reconciliation that resounds throughout the concerts. Destroyed in 1945, the church, reconstructed through monumental civic and international efforts, is a beacon of peace. Its impressive interior makes every concert an incomparable experience.
Concerts01067 Dresden
Music Academy Carl Maria von Weber Dresden (Concert Hall)
In 2008, the Music Academy building was expanded by an annex designed by the Stuttgart-based architecture firm hammeskrause, which includes a concert hall seating 450. The combination of music and architecture culminates in the outside façade, where acoustic signals from the concert hall are transformed into impressive lighting effects in the seams of the façade.
Concerts01067 Dresden
Jazz Club Tonne
»Die Tonne«, one of the most well-known jazz clubs in Germany, is located within the Kurländer Palais, a historical building in Dresden’s city center, whose cellar was already used by August the Strong as the headquarters of the »Society against Sobriety«. In 1981, when the building was still in ruins, regular performances began taking place here. The name (»the barrel«) is inspired by the form of the vaulted ceiling. After the reconstruction of the Palais, the jazz club returned to its original site in 2015.
Concerts01277 Dresden
Junge Garde
The north-eastern part of the Großer Garten is home to the open-air stage »Junge Garde«. With its semicircle of tiered rows for the audience, its architecture is reminiscent of an ancient amphitheatre. Building the »Junge Garde« open-air venue between 1953 and 1955 was intended as a contribution to cultural work in Dresden, a city destroyed during the war. Today, the compound offers rock and pop, classical and jazz concerts.
Concerts01067 Dresden
Throughout its long history, the Kreuzkirche at the Dresden Altmarkt , founded as early as 1215, was repeatedly destroyed, built and rebuilt. In 1989, it became a center for the peaceful revolution in Dresden. It is one of the most important venues for the performance of sacred music in the capital city of the Free State of Saxony and home to the Dresden Kreuzchor.
Concerts01067 Dresden
Kulturpalast (Concert Hall)
The new concept for the Kulturpalast, which was built in 1969 and now houses the cultural institutions Dresden Philharmonic, the Municipal Central Library and the cabaret »Herkuleskeule« after undergoing renovations from 2013 to 2017, has returned the building to its original role as a cultural meeting-place in central Dresden. The concert hall located at the building’s centre is a modern and acoustically high-class performance venue on par with Europe’s finest, seating up to 1,700 visitors.
Concerts01744 Dippoldiswalde
Kulturzentrum Parksäle Dippoldiswalde (Großer Saal)
Als »Herzstück der Parksäle Dippoldiswalde« rollt der Große Saal Veranstaltungen von besonderer Festlichkeit und Bedeutung den roten Teppich aus. Ob klassischer Ball, internationale Fachtagung oder Konzerte – der Große Saal bietet mit seiner guten Akustik und einer Platzkapazität von bis zu 500 Besucher:innen einen stimmungsvollen Ort für vielfältige Veranstaltungsformate.
Concerts01067 Dresden
The Löwensaal (»Lion’s Hall«) is part of a landmark building which was erected by the Deutsche Bank in 1905, including an impressive main cashier’s hall, and most recently housed a branch of the Dresdner Bank. After renovation and construction work, the Löwensaal was inaugurated in November 2019, a new event venue in the heart of Dresden combining historical ambiance with modern amenities.
Concerts01099 Dresden
The Martin-Luther Church, built 1883-1887, is one of the few churches in Dresden that was almost completely spared by the air raids during World War II. Situated amid many houses in Wilhelminian style in the heart of the Neustadt, it plays an important role in the church and cultural life of the city. The neo-romantic interior offers more than 1,000 seats.
Concerts01219 Dresden
Palais im Großen Garten
The romantic palace located in the centre of the Große Garten served as a venue for pompous feasts of the courtly society. Saxony’s first baroque building of Italian design was constructed under Elector John George III between 1676 and 1683. Today it provides an atmospheric ambience and great acoustics for different kinds of chamber music.
Concerts01099 Dresden
Reithalle Dresden – Strasse E®
The Reithalle is part of the Cultural Center Strasse E® – an event center consisting of two buildings under landmark preservation in Dresden’s industrial area. Originally the entire industrial area was dedicated to military purposes. Its former use as the riding hall of the Royal Saxon Cavalry gave today’s Riding Hall Strasse E® its name. In the early 1990s the area was discovered as an ideal venue for parties and events.
Concerts01796 Pirna OT Graupa
Richard-Wagner-Stätten Graupa (Jagdschloss)
08056 Zwickau
Robert-Schumann-Haus Zwickau
Anlässlich des 100. Todestages von Robert Schumann wurde im Jahr 1956 an seinem Geburtsort am Zwickauer Hauptmarkt das Robert-Schumann-Haus eröffnet. Es beherbergt heute die weltweit größte Schumann-Sammlung mit zahlreichen Handschriften, Originalportraits und Besitzstücken des Komponisten und seiner Frau Clara Schumann, geb. Wieck. Das Geburtszimmer Robert Schumanns ist als Schauzimmer mit Besitzstücken des Musikerpaars ausgestattet.
Concerts01067 Dresden
The Staatsschauspiel Dresden (Dresden State Theatre) can count itself among the outstanding centres of contemporary dramatic art. The Schauspielhaus was constructed between 1911 and 1913 on a relatively small plot of land across from the Zwinger. To this day, the reconstructed sumptuous original architecture of the Schauspielhaus offers a venue for productions that combine musical and dramatic art forms in an ideal way.
Concerts01326 Dresden
Schloss Pillnitz
1694 von Kurfürst Johann Georg IV. für seine Favoritin Magdalena Sibylla von Neitschütz erworben, ließ August der Starke den ersten Bau von seinem Lieblingsarchitekten Daniel Pöppelmann um das Wasserpalais und das Bergpalais erweitern. Bereits von 1768 an war Schloss Pillnitz die offizielle Sommerresidenz des Hofes und damit zugleich Ort glanzvoller Park- und Wasserfeste. Diese Tradition von Veranstaltungen und Festivitäten setzt sich bis heute fort.
Concerts01067 Dresden
Entering the building visitors are welcomed by the long and rich tradition that is continued until today by the opera house and his orchestra, the Dresden Staatskapelle. Whether great symphony concert or solo recital – the stage of the impressive Semperoper has always been the place for top class and glamorous festival encounters.
Concerts01067 Dresden
Staatsoperette Dresden
Where Dresden’s electricity was formerly produced, the Dresden State Operetta now ensures breathtaking, electrifying moments. Since moving into the newly-created Cultural Center Kraftwerk Mitte in December 2016, the house welcomes its visitors in a generous auditorium seating up to 700 persons. The industrial buildings with their noteworthy historical red-brick façades from the 19th and early 20th century are under landmark preservation, have been painstakingly restored and are now flanked by modern buildings.
Concerts01796 Pirna
Stadtkirche St. Marien zu Pirna
Consecrated in 1546, the Municipal Church of St. Mary in Pirna is one of the most important late-Gothic hall churches in Saxony. Its filigree vaulting, with the original painting of 1546 intact, is among the highlights of vault construction in Saxony. The baptism font and epitaphs stand witness to the great stone-carving tradition in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains. For centuries, St. Mary has also been the city’s musical centre.
Concerts01067 Dresden
The Kraftwerk Mitte (Central Power Station) in Dresden is an imposing industrial landmark of the 19th century; over the past years, it has been transformed into a unique space for the arts, culture and creative industries. The former railway power station with its red-brick façade was comprehensively rebuilt in 2010; since then, it has become one of the most well-known event locations in Dresden. Apart from the impressive architecture, the more than 1,000 square meters of floorspace are compelling for their central location, offering an atmospheric backdrop for events of all kinds.
Concerts01307 Dresden
Center for Regenarative Therapies Dresden
The mission of the Center for Regenarative Therapies Dresden (CRTD) is to research the biology of stem cells and tissues in order to understand the regeneration processes of organs and thus to create new avenues of treatment. With a floor space of more than 7,000 m², the building offers space for scientific work, education, communication and social events. The foyer is an exhibition space and enables inspiring encounters within the scientific network of the CRTD.
Concerts01067 Dresden
Circus tent on the Elbe embankment
The circus tent of the Swiss company FahrAwaY is at home at the Circus Station in Basel. From there, the ensemble and its tent travel throughout Europe. Since 2020, the beautiful round venue has made regular stops in Dresden, at the invitation of the Societaetstheater. It seats 250 people – to whom the unique atmosphere of the circus is revealed.