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Prelude »Walküre«


With »Die Walküre«, the project »The Wagner Cycles«, dedicated to researching and performing Richard Wagner’s epochal »Ring« in keeping with historically informed performance practice, continues in 2024. This moderated workshop concert offers fascinating insights into the project, in which academic research and practice meet in a unique way. During the first part, Susanne Rode-Breymann and Friederike Wißmann will discuss Wagner’s ideas about women and femininity. The central question is: how does Wagner’s strategy of simultaneous discreditation of and exaggerated reverence for women work?
In the second part, a historical performance event will be reenacted: in 1856, an event labelled »Deklamatorium« took place in Zurich, in which Wagner himself as Siegmund and Hunding and the singer Emilie Hein as Sieglinde recited and declaimed their characters’ texts, accompanied by none lesser than Franz Liszt at the piano.

Prof. Dr. Friederike Wißmann Professor of Musicology at the Rostock Academy of Music and Theatre
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rode-Breymann Professor of Historical Musicology at the Hanover Academy of Music, Theatre and Media

Marianna Linden Recitation
Peter Wagner Recitation
Dr. Dominik Frank Leader, »Deklamatorium«
Volker Krafft Piano

PD Dr. Kai Hinrich Müller Moderator

»Between ›world knowledge‹ and ›zeal for devotion‹ — Richard Wagner's concept of feminity«
Discussion with Prof. Dr. Susanne Rode-Breymann and Prof. Dr. Friederike Wißmann


Deklamatorium with piano accompaniment, excerpts from the first act of the »Walküre«

7.30 pm
C. Bechstein Centrum Dresden (Robert-Schumann-Saal)